The Recollector

The Recollector
The Recollector (2009) is the Skidegate Project documentary film, the final iteration resulting from the three year process of collaboration in Skidegate and the years that followed.
Created by Karen Jamieson, Tanya Collinson – Haida videographer and editor – and filmmaker Ken Smith, this project serves as a record of the events of a three year poetic journey to find Percy Gladstone's spirit. The film shows how the quest was approached and achieved, as well as the performances in Skidegate and Vancouver.
It is a documentary of the process of a dance artist collaborating with a community of Skidegate to create an expression of spirit and spirit of place, to create a dance/performance to honour Haida Elder, Percy Gladstone, and where two different cultures met to achieve this.
To watch the full film, click here.