
Quest is a duet co-choreographed and danced by Byron Chief-Moon and Karen Jamieson. An eloquent union of storytelling, traditional music, and Blackfoot story with modern and traditional dance interpretation, Quest addresses the loss of ritual, the sleeping people, the spirit guides using nature to reestablish story, and loss of respectability for Mother Earth in modern times. Quest is the latest development in a history of collaboration between Byron Chief-Moon and Karen Jamieson that goes back 17 years and includes the creation of numerous major works.
“Byron Chief-Moon, long-time Vancouver actor/dancer, is pleased to present the original work Quest. As choreographer and dancer, Byron wished to express through dance his grandparents’ stories about the sleeping people–Society–and our conflict with MotherEarth and her children: our sisters and brothers–Wind and Water, Plant people, Rock people, Animals above and below. Their message is ‘listen with your heart.’ Conflict comes from controlling that which we must strive to understand. The dance is about Napi–Coyote trickster–the age of great forgetfulness, awakening the Sleeping People–Society–our Spirit guides, our rites of passage, and surrender.”
- From Quest Performance Program, Feb 5,6,7,8, 2003 at the Scotiabank Dance Centre
Quest was performed at the Scotiabank Dance Centre, presented by the Coyote Arts Percussive Performance Association from February 6-8, 2003, at 8pm.
The CanDance Aboriginal Dance Exchange was a touring initiative of the CanDance Network, whereby three dance presenters – Peterborough New Dance, New Dance Horizons of Regina and Tangente of Montreal – nominated choreographers from their region for presentation on one program that tours to all three cities. New Dance Horizons selected a collaboration between Byron Chief-Moon and Karen Jamieson of Vancouver.
Concept, Story, and Vision: Byron Chief-Moon (Káínawa Nation “Blood Tribe” of the Blackfoot Confederacy) in collaboration with Karen Jamieson
Choreographer/Dancer: Karen Jamieson
Dancers: Sean Swiftdeer Brown (Lakota) and Duane Howard (Nuu-chah-nulth)
Blackfoot Translator and Storyteller: Beverly Hungry Wolf
Music and Composers: Sandy Scofield and Russell Wallace
Set and Costume Design: Kevin L. Smith
Stage Manager: Jeff Harrison
BYRON CHIEF-MOON – choreographer, dancer
A member of the Blackfoot Confederacy, member of the Blood Band. Byron founded the Coyote Arts Percussive Performance Association/CAPPA in 1999. He uses this unique dance company to explore and create distinctive dance, incorporating; traditional storytelling, infusing traditional Plains Indian Style music with contemporary music techniques, and initiate new media into the performances. The themes of his dance creations begin with his traditional stories, told to him by his grandparents, exploring ‘rites of passage’, ‘sleeping people’, ‘loss of rituals’, ‘new myth’, and ‘mother earth’.
“Les artistes de Vancouver, Byron Chief-Moon, membre de la Confédération des Blackfoot, et Karen Jamieson, sa complice depuis 17 ans, nous entraînent, avec Elmer and Coyote, dans un tout autre univers et dans une danse beaucoup plus viscérale. Partant du mythe de la création du monde, les chorégraphes et interprètes explorent la spiritualité côté lumière et côté ombre dans un duo de transes de 22 minutes. La relation entre les deux danseurs est d'une intensité soutenue. Animés par une énergie quasi surnaturelle qui les relie par une indestructible force, ils traitent du rapport à la spiritualité et au monde, des contradictions de l'humain et des oppositions qui président à l'équilibre du monde, des rites de passage et des transformations. Une déesse et un humain, une créatrice et un créateur, une Blanche et un Autochtone, une femme et un homme... Passé et présent se rejoignent pour inventer le futur d'un humain unifié. Tradition et modernité se mélangent pour inventer la culture de la diversité. Préserver la mémoire de l'histoire de l'univers pour en garantir la pérennité. Renouveler sans cesse le geste créateur pour perpétuer la vie. Toujours pareille et toujours différente.”
- Fabienne Cabado
“De racines et de danses”
Le Magazine, May, 7, 2005
Please note that populating the Karen Jamieson Dance website with new information and images from the archives is an ongoing process that we are undertaking as fast as we can. Karen Jamieson Dance welcomes any corrections or missing information to the description and acknowledgments listed above. These can be forwarded to