Dogfish Woman

Dogfish Woman
In Dogfish Woman, the themes of transformation and encounter are present in the mutual gaze and recognition of a woman and a dogfish. That we are all food for something, that we are all hooking and being hooked, are some of the underlying themes explored in this work.
Twenty performances took place on the concourse of the Vancouver Public Library from Thursday February 27 - Wednesday March 5, from noon-1pm, in partnership with Celebration 2010 as part of the Vancouver 2010 Cultural Olympiad.
The People
Choreographer and Dancer: Karen Jamieson
Composer: John Korsrud*
Dramaturg: DD Kugler
Rehearsal Director: Lynn Sheppard
Costume: Susan Berganzi
Technical Director: T’ai Pu
Management: Barbara Clausen, New Performance Works
Special thanks to: Musa Tyron, Bebe Boulangers Boutique
*The last section of the music was originally composed for Bravo’s “Heroines” and was also used in Lola MacLaughlin’s work “Fuse.”