Metamorphose (2016)

Metamorphose (2016)
The Carnegie Dance Troupe & Karen Jamieson Dance
Metamorphose, a 3 year collaboration with members of the Downtown Eastside community, investigates transformation, creation and imagination through dance.
Metamorphose explores the flow of life and healing and how we are changed by the gifts received and given through dancing together. We remember all the people we have danced with and all the beautiful creations we have created and performed.
Metamorphose grew out of the previous work entitled Here. Read more.
2016 Premiere at the HEART OF THE CITY FESTIVAL
Sunday October 30, 2016
Djavad Mowafaghian World Art Centre
Goldcorp Centre for the Arts
SFU Woodwards
149 West Hastings Street
Free Admission
All Welcome!
The People
Deer Song & Dance, Gathering Song, and Travelling Song: shared by Sarah Good (Snunneymuxw)
Orca Song: by William Hilamas Edward Wasden Jr. (Kwakwaka’wakw). Permission given by Shelley Joseph, Nugwa'um Hek wa’gila’owgwa, (Kwakwaka’wakw) to Priscillia Tait (Wet’suwet’en)
Water Spirit Poem: written & shared by Dolores Dallas (Cowichan)
Song from Horse Carriage Man: shared by Swallow Zhou
J.S. Bach, Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring: shared by Dean Obrol
Bear Song: shared by Richard Lavallie (Cree)
Deer Song: shared by Peter Siah III (Lillooet Fort Douglas)
Friendship Dance: shared by Deborah Charlie (Lillooet)
Performers, Workshop Participants, Contributors: Heather Blais, Deborah Charlie (Lillooet), Shelly Cox, Graham Cunningham, Dolores Dallas (Cowichan), Natasha Duchene, Iris Kujansuu, Wilson Leung, Priscillia Tait (Wet’suwet’en), Henry Wong, Louise Wong, Martin Wong, Swallow Zhou
Choreography: Karen Jamieson and The Carnegie Dance Troupe
Workshop Leaders, Performers: Karen Jamieson, Hailey McCloskey, and Mirae Rosner
Music: Mike Richter, Sarah Good (Snunneymuxw)
Costumes: Created by Susan Berganzi, Coordinated by Marguerite T. assisted by Clare Asquith
Production Assistance: Andrea Creamer
Project Management: Pamela Tagle
Dancing on the Edge Festival - 2017
The Carnegie Dance Troupe celebrated their 10th anniversary by performing at Dancing on the Edge Festival 2017, which is where they had their first ever performance in 2007.
Sunday July 9, 2017
Goldcorp Centre for the Arts – SFU Woodwards
Djavad Mowafaghian World Art Centre
149 West Hastings St., Vancouver
By Donation
The People
Deer Song & Dance, Gathering Song, and Travelling Song: shared by Sarah Good (Snunneymuxw)
Sea Power poem: written and recited by Graham Cunningham (text on back of program)
Orca Song: by William Hilamas Edward Wasden Jr. (Kwakwaka’wakw). Permission given by Shelley Joseph, Nugwa'um Hek wa’gila’owgwa, (Kwakwaka’wakw) to Priscillia Tait (Wet’suwet’en)
Water Spirit poem: written by & recited by Dolores Dallas (text on back)
J.S. Bach, Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring: shared by Dean Obrol
Parable poem: written by Richard Wilbur recited by Shelly Cox (text on back)
Song from Horse Carriage Man: shared by and sung by Swallow Zhou
Bear Song: shared by Richard Lavallie (Cree)
Deer Song: shared by Peter Siah III (Lillooet Fort Douglas)
Friendship Dance: shared by Deborah Charlie (Lillooet)
Performers, Workshop Participants, Contributors: Heather Blais, Deborah Charlie (Lillooet), Shelly Cox, Graham Cunningham, Dolores Dallas (Cowichan), Roger Howie, Iris Kujansuu, Miusung Lau, Priscillia Tait (Wet’suwet’en), Henry Wong, Martin Wong, Swallow Zhou
Partners: Carnegie Community Centre & SFU’s Vancity Office of Community Engagement
Funding: Canada Council for the Arts, Province of BC, BC Arts Council, City of Vancouver, KJD Private Donors.