Light Breaking Through BROKEN (Working Title) (2016)

Light Breaking Through BROKEN
(working title)
Karen and Margaret Grenier of Dancers of Damelahamid were pleased to present a short excerpt of their work in progress (with discussion) at the Museum of Anthropology's Great Hall as part of the Coastal First Nations Dance Festival.
The duet, Light Breaking Through BROKEN, was a creative collaboration between Margaret and Karen, two contemporary dance artists who identify and draw upon radically different cultural traditions, Western European culture and First Nations culture and protocols.
Light Breaking Through BROKEN seeks to honour the past, while locating itself in creative present; to explore intersecting narratives in time and space: broken historical narratives and contemporary connections of hope.
March 1, 2016 - 5:00-6:00pm
Coastal First Nations Dance Festival
Museum of Anthropology
Free w/ MOA Admission
Discount Tuesday Evening Rate
A full length version of this work premiered at the 2017 Vancouver International Dance Festival as light breaking broken.