
The People
Choreographer: Karen Jamieson
Performers: Mary-Louise Albert, Rita Bozi, Caroline Farquhar, and Hiromoto Ida
Composer: Henry Kucharzyk
Costume Designer: Nicola Kozakiewicz
Lighting Designer: John Webber
“A bleak look at gender roles, Venus features a business-suited Hiromoto Ida as the embodiment of masculinity; he variously spurns, ignores, flees from, and succumbs to the temptations of three amply padded (and quite literally statuesque, should the Neolithic Venus of Willendorf be the statue in question) women.
Ida, as usual, was spectacularly graceful. The women, stripped of their individuality by costumes and makeup, have less to do, but they’re more than mere foils for Ida’s daring: when they danced in unison, they fully captured the primal energy that is a Jamieson trademark.”
- Alexander Varty
“Quadruple Bill”
The Georgia Straight, February 24, 1996