HERE (Working Title, Work-in-Progress Performance) (2015)

HERE (Working Title, Work-in-Progress Performance)
The Carnegie Dance Troupe & Karen Jamieson Dance
This informal work-in-progress presentation of HERE (working title) at Heart of the City Festival in 2015 was an opportunity to see the beginning stages of a new dance piece premiering in 2016 and to witness people of all ages, cultures and abilities working together to create a work of art.
Presented in partnership with Carnegie Community Centre and SFU’s Vancity Office of Community Engagement.
Sunday November 1
4:00pm – 5:00pm
Goldcorp Centre for the Arts - SFU Woodwards
149 West Hastings Street, Vancouver
Djavad Mowafaghian World Art Centre - 2nd Floor
This showing was part of our Dance In and For the Community Program and our Mentorship Program.
Since 2006, The Carnegie Dance Troupe has been an ongoing vehicle for people from Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside community to participate in creative dance. Some have been involved in many previous projects, some are new participants. The principle supporting The Carnegie Dance Troupe is an absolute inclusivity.
Performances of The Carnegie Dance Troupe are created through processes of collaboration, seeking to connect us to our body, to our breath, to the energy of the earth, to each other and to our diverse communities.
Today you are witnessing a showing of their new work-in-progress, the beginning stages of a work to be premiered in 2016. Themes of this work-in-progress are: the flow of life and healing, and the investigation of gifts received and given through dancing together.
The People
Choreography: Karen Jamieson and The Carnegie Dance Troupe
Workshop Leaders, Performers: Karen Jamieson, Hailey McCloskey, Julie Lebel, Lindsey Ridgway
Music: Mike Richter, Sarah Good (Snuneymuxw)
Songs and dances:
Deer Song and dance shared by Sarah Good
Song from Horse Carriage Man shared by Swallow Zhou
J.S. Bach, Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring, shared by Dean Obrol
Bear song shared by Richard Lavallie (Cree)
Deer song shared by Peter Siah III (Lillooet Fort Douglas)
Friendship dance shared by Deborah Charlie (Lillooet)
Performers, Workshop Participants, and Contributors:
Cathy Lau
Dallas (Cowichan)
Deborah Charlie (Lillooet)
Heather Blais
Henry Wong
Iris Kujansuu
Martin Wong
Roger Stewart
Swallow Zhou
Taninli Wright (Wet’suwet’en)
Wilson Leung
Dance Interns, Performers: Carolina Bergonzoni, Charlotte Priest
Workshop Participants, Contributors: Graham Cunningham, Priscillia Tait (Wet’suwet’en)
Production & Stage Manager: Andrea Creamer
Partners: Carnegie Community Centre & SFU’s Vancity Office of Community Engagement
Funding: Canada Council for the Arts, Province of BC, BC Arts Council, City of Vancouver