
Simple melody and urgent rhythms in dialogue with a dance of passion, pride, and paradox.
Homeland premiered at 5 Dances by Karen Jamieson, an evening of innovative dance and music collaborations. Show time was 8 pm, Wednesday May 3rd to Sunday May 7th, 1995, at the Firehall Arts Centre.
The working title for Homeland was Quintet and was to be a dance of 5 dancers including Karen Jamieson, but at the time of performance it had become Homeland and featured 4 dancers.
The People
Choreography: Karen Jamieson
Dancers: Byron Chief-Moon, Rita Bozi, Chantal Deeble, and Jud Martell
Composer: Peter Hurst
Costumes: Susan Berganzi
Lighting Design: Gerald King and Ken Alexander
Richard White