CONNECT (work-in-progress) (2012)

CONNECT (2012)
Choreography by Karen Jamieson & the Carnegie Dance Troupe
CONNECT, performed October 28, 2012, was a work-in-progress, a first draft of a dance work to be completed and performed as part of the Heart of the City festival in 2013. This performance is part of an ongoing series of dance workshops offered by Karen Jamieson Dance in partnership with Carnegie Community Centre and SFU’s Vancity Office of Community Engagement.
The completed work CONNECT was performed November 3, 2013 at the Heart of the City Festival.
The People
Chief Dan George’s Healing song gifted by: Leonard George to Deborah Charlie
Fish song, Healing song: Peter Siah III
Deer song: dedicated to Sarah Good sung by Peter Siah III
Gung Fu song: taught by Swallow Zhou
Bear Dance song: Rick Lavallie
Friendship Dance inspired by: Deborah Charlie
Music & Vocal Score created by: Mike Richter, Dalannah Gail Bowen in collaboration with Carnegie Dance Troupe and Peter Siah lll
Core Dancers: Shelly Cox, Iris Kujansuu, Priscillia Tait, Henry Wong
Advanced practitioners: Deborah Charlie, Graham Cunningham
Dancers: Wendy Chew, Karen Jamieson, Debbie Lee, Wilson Leung, Louise Wong, Swallow Zhou, Elizabeth, Anne Kennedy
Apprentices: Julie Lebel, Hailey McCloskey, Lindsey Ridgway, Mirae Rosner,
Photographer: Chris Randle
Videographers: Sammy Chien, Dallas
Costumes: Susan Berganzi
Production Associate, Costuming: Marguerite T
Production Assistant: Kate Wattie
Management & Production: Pamela Tagle
Thank-you! Michael Boucher, Terry Hunter, Am Johal, Chris Randle, Rika Uto, Teresa Vandertuin, Savannah Walling, Ethel Whitty, Heart of the City festival staff, Karen Jamieson Dance Board of Directors
Partners: Carnegie Community Centre & SFU’s Vancity Office of Community Engagement.
Funding: Canada Council for the Arts, Province of BC, BC Arts Council, City of Vancouver, The Leon and Thea Koerner Foundation
See the final production of CONNECT here!