Body to Land - Stone Soup (2020- )

Over a period of years (2020-present) we are studying and recreating through video and movement, seminal works from the repertoire that explore our emotional, physical and cultural relationship to land.
Stone Soup (1995-1997) is the first work we are addressing in the Body to Land project. Underlying and central to Stone Soup is the Gitxsan concept of Gluk: a ceremony of redoing a wrong, as in replacing a rotten plank in the foundation of a structure. Doreen Jensen, Hahl Yee, Gitxsan elder, artist, writer, activist, educator and thinker, as well as a beloved friend and mentor, introduced and proposed the concept to create a dance that would fulfill a Gluk by touring BC asking permission to enter and dance on each of the First Nations territories we came to.
March 2020 was to be the official start of this multi-year project. Due to the pandemic and issues with gathering, lockdown, and the residential school revelations, we had to extend our timeline. Currently we are finishing work on the video component of this project. The resulting film, entitled Gluk, will premiere in early December 2024. The performative outcomes have been postponed due to circumstances beyond our control.
Notes on Gluk
As for the voice-over of Gluk, Karen Jamieson writes: “it quickly became clear that this voice could not be mine. My voice needed to be very limited. What was required was that in each Nation’s land we come to, the voice must shift to the Indigenous leader or elder who has the authority to speak about the events that took place on that land. Delhia Nahanee proposed creation of a skeletal script to be developed and then sent to each of the potential interviewees. The people I approached to be interviewed were all very interested and supportive of the project.”
Those interviewed for the film include:
Delhia Nahanee, Villages of Laxgalta’p and Gitwinsilkh, Nisga’a
Simoget Yugadets, Chief Hagbwegathu, Vince Jackson, Village of Kispiox, Gitk’san
Sharon Bryant, Village of Kitsumkalem, Tsimshian
Delores Pollard, Village of Kitimaat, Haisla
Guujaaw, Chief Gidansda, Villages of Masset and Skidegate, Haida
Chief Xalek Ian Campbell, Sekyu Siyam, Squamish, Musqueam
Yal Aubrey Jackson, Gitk’san
The map above was retrieved with permission from
We were drawn to this map because of the way it represents the land in a precolonial way, allowing for the visualization of Indigenous ancestral lands and the languages that grew out of the land, without colonial borders or names. Throughout this project, we will work with maps to reflect on our evolving relationship to the land, and our commitment to learn and to respect Indigenous teaching about their lands and how to enter and comport ourselves on each Nation’s land.
Gluk Video Credits
This video is dedicated to Doreen Jensen whose spirit lives on.
With special thanks to Loretta Todd for her advice in honouring Doreen, and permission to use her footage of Doreen.
Karen Jamieson Dance was given permission by each nation and each individual speaker to record and present all events and performances, both during the 1995-1997 tour and for the creation of Gluk (2024).
Gluk (2024)
Thank you to the Storytellers and Collaborators on this Video History
Chief (Xalek) Ian Campbell - Sekyu Siyam - Squamish / Musqueam
Sharon Bryant (Liitamlaxdaaw Gyibaaw) Tsimshian
Dalgum’ha – Delhia Nahanee Nisga’a / Squamish
Chief Gidansda Giindajin
Haawasti Guujaaw
Raven, Gakyaals Kiigawaay Clan - Haida Nation
Yal Aubrey Jackson - Gitk’san
Vince Jackson - Chief Ha’gbi’gwaxtu, of the Fireweed Clan, Gitk’san Nation
Chief Dolores Pollard - Beaver Clan, Haisla Nation
Karen Jamieson
Gluk Executive Producer, Stone Soup Choreographer / Creator, KJD Artistic Director
Flick Harrison
Editor / Media Artist
Pamela Tagle
Gluk Executive Producer, KJD Managing Director
Charlotte Leonard
Project Archivist, KJD Company Archivist
KJD Archivists:
Clare Asquith Finegan
Emma Metcalfe Hurst
KJD Board of Directors:
Wendy Baker
Steve Bridger
Erica Corber
Randy Enomoto
Clare Asquith Finegan
Angie Riano
Kate Wattie
David Wei
Honour Song for Doreen Jensen:
Russell Wallace - Composer
Composed in collaboration with Doreen Jensen’s Family
Catherine Blackstock (Hereditary Chief Sim'oo'git Geel) (niece)
Cindy Jensen Fisk (daughter)
Jeanne Harris (sister)
Barabara Sennott (sister)
Consultants and Advisors
Loretta Todd - Creative Consultant
Chief Xalek, Sekyu Siyam, Ian Campbell - Consultant
Mique’l Dangeli - Consultant / Advisor
Zoran Dragelj - Creative Consultant
Patti Fraser - Outside Eye
Gildedower Nîpîy apisis, Margaret Grenier, Cree, Gitk’san - Creative Consultant
Josh Hite - Outside Eye
Dalgum’ha Delhia Nahanee - Consultant / Adviser
Latash Maurice Nahanee - Consultant / Advisor
Mandy Nahanee - Consultant
Rob Thompson - Audio Consultant maps used with permission
Digitization of analogue video by Starpost Digital
Made possible by 2010 Legacies Now grant.
Canada Council for the Arts
British Columbia Arts Council
City of Vancouver
Major Donor
The Body to Land Project has been generously supported by the Chapple Family. We are grateful for their significant, multi-year financial donations, and their deep understanding of the importance of this project.
Thank you to the individual donors to the Karen Jamieson Dance Society for their generous support through the years.
Thank you to The Dance Centre for their partnership in the production and presentation of Gluk.
Stone Soup (1995-1997)
Karen Jamieson Dance
Karen Jamieson Dance Company Dancers:
Anne Cooper
Laura Crema
Caroline Farquhar
Karen Jamieson
Donald Alfred Morin
Dean Makarenko
Jerry Longboat
Karen Jamieson - Choreographer and Artistic Director
Peter Hurst - Composer
Simon Kendall - Composer
Sanford Williams - Masks Commission
Gerald King - Set & Lighting
Marie Clements - Text
Deborah Dunn - Costume Design
C. Hatfull - Costume Producer
Alison Abell (Twisted Unions) - Costume Construction
Tanya Granneman (Twisted Unions) - Costume Construction
Daniel Collins - Photography
Jay Rankin - Managing Director & Producer, Photography
Kateri Akiwenzie-Damm - Karen Jamieson Dance Company Manager
Linda Blankstein - Administration, Sponsorship Support
Angele Cormier - Administration, Tour Publicist
Nigel Jones - Financial Services
Kay Huang Barnes - Rehearsal Director
Andrew Olewine - Rehearsal Director, Dance Teacher
Sylvain Brochu - Dance Teacher
Patrick Pennefather - Accompanist
Mia Kivari - Volunteer Coordinator
KJD Board:
Marsha Ramsden
Sonia Usmiani
Jocelyn Bearsto
Ming Song
Barbara Clausen - Sponsorship Support
Michela Sorrentino - Graphics Design
Ryan Mullins - Vancouver Publicist
Ann Rowley - Stage Manager
Tim Cardinal - Technical Director
Lorraine West - Technician, Set Painting
Scott Macdonald - Technician
Cameron Rimmer - Production Assistant
Amanda Marier - Program Design
Harry Vander Shee (Tradeworks) - Set Construction
Valerie Moffat - Set Sewing
Laxgalts’ap - Nisga’a Territory
Speakers selected by Laxgalts’ap Village Government, matriarchs, and chieftains
Chester Moore Sim’oogit Haym̓aas (Nisga’a) - Chief of the Frog Clan
Laxgalts’ap Cultural Dancers - Performer
Willard Martin - Contact, Laxgalts’ap Traditional Dancers (Greenville Recreation Centre)
Des Belton - Nisga’a School District
Gitwinksihlkw - Nisga’a Territory
Chief Jacob Nyce - Senior Chief
Nisga’a Tribal Local - Food for the luncheon
The Gitwinksihlkw Four Crest Dancers - Performer
Ron Nyce - Master of Ceremonies and President of Four Crest Dancers
Smithers - Wet’suwet’en Territory
Brenda Wilson - Performance Coordinator and food for the feast, Dze L K’ant Friendship Centre
Lila Wallace - Executive Director, Dze L K’ant Friendship Centre
Wet’suwet’en Dance Group
Helen Nikal - Performance Coordinator
Darlene Glaim - Performance Coordinator
Christine Dickinson - Principal, Smithers Senior Secondary School
Kispiox - Gitk’san Territory
People of Gitk’san heritage living in the Hazelton area - Performance presenters and food for the feast
Reinholdt Steinbeisser - Principal, Kispiox Elementary School
Thank you: The people of Gisbayakws, ‘Ksan Historical Village, Hazelton Secondary School, and Kispiox Elementary School
Hazelton - Gitk’san Territory
Alice Jeffrey - Chief Maluluk of the Frog clan, Collaborator, Consultant and Lead Gitk'san artist, Elder, Knowledge keeper
Christopher P. Sampson - Chief, Glen Vowell Band
Kenneth Herbert Russell - Chief, Gitsegulka Band
Stephen Robinson - Chief, Gitanmaax Band
Jack Sebastian - Chief, Hagwilget Band
Sheila Ryan - Principal, Hazelton Secondary School
Don Ryan - Gitk’san Wet’suwet’en Tribal Council Association
Gitsegukla Band School
Kispiox Community School
Gary Underhill - Hazelton Secondary School
Laurel Mould - ‘Ksan Performing Arts, narrator
Kitsumkalum - Tsimshian Territory
Matriarch Vera Henry of the Laxghibuu, Kitsumkalum
Terrace & District Multicultural Association - Performance coordinator
Mary Grayden - Performance coordinator, Northwest Development Education Association
Kitsumkalum Dance Group - Performer
Many Nations Dance Group - Performer
Larry Derrick - Leader, Kitsumkalum Dance Group
Benita Chapdelaine - Leader, Many Nations Dance Group
Seniors’ group at the Happy Gang Centre - Food for the feast
Legion Ladies - Food for the feast
Ladies of the Order of the Royal Purple - Food for the feast
Carol Sam - Kitsumkalum Community Hall
Terrace - Tsimshian Territory
Reg Stowell - Community Futures Office and Kitamaat Multicultural Society
Harry F. Nyce - Chief, Gitwinksihlkw Band
Melville S. Bevan - Chief, Kitselas Band
Dorothy Davidson - Kermode Friendship Society
Ray Jones - Kermode Friendship Society
Ray Jones - Director, Northern Native Broadcasting
Thomas Walker - Manager, R.E.M. Lee Theatre
Jane Dickson - Terrace and District Multicultural Association
Terry Anderson - Coast Mountains School District
Brent Scout - CFNR Radio
Fred Wilson - Northern Native Broadcasting
Karen Birkedal - Terrace Concert Society
Thomas Walker - R.E.M. Lee Theatre
Liz Williamson - Terrace Arts Council
Margaret Seguin Anderson - UNBC Regional Coordinator
Rick Miller - Executive Director, Tsimshian Tribal Council
Terry Anderson - School District 88
Kitamaat Village - Haisla Territory
Delores Pollard - Kitamaat Village Council and Performance Coordinator
Richard Pollard - Creator of Spirit Sisters song
Larry Earl Moore - Chief, Gitwangak Band
Vernon Archie Smith - Chief, Kitwancool Band
Gerald Victor Amos - Chief, Kitamaat Band
Spirit of the Kitlope Dancers - Performers and Performance Coordinator
Cathy Spanevello - Theatre Director, Mount Elizabeth Theatre
Arnie Smith - Director of Haisla Empl, Kitamaat Village Council
Bob Ivison - Kitamaat Concert Association
Kateri Akiwnenzie-Damm - Photographer
Bob Ivison - Kitamaat Concert Association
Thank you: Kitamaat Village Council, Don Stewart, Allan Hewitson, and all volunteers and supporters.
Kemano - Haisla Territory
Dolores Pollard - Performance Coordinator
Thank you: Kemano Community Association, Don Timlick, Allan Hewitson, Karen Livingston, and Anita Kalnay.
Karen Livingston - Entertainment Director, Kemano Community Association
Spirit of the Kitlope Dancers - Performers and Performance Coordinator
Prince Rupert - Tsimshian Territory
Don Acaster - Prince Rupert Performing Arts Centre
Thank you: Debbie Jeffrey, First Nations Education Services, Ric Miller, Tsimshian Tribal Council, the First Nations Elders from Friendship House, Elders from Metlakatla, Lax Kw’alaams Society, Lach Klan Society, Gitga’ata Society, and Bronwen Sutherland of PAC.
Old Masset - Haida Territory
Thank you: the Hereditary Chiefs and Elders
Claude Davidson performer and leader of Dance group
De Chinnie Dancers - Performer
Old Masset Dancers - Performer
Old Masset Community Hall
Queen Charlotte Islands Arts Council - Presenters and Organizers
Skidegate - Haida Territory
Guujaaw - Hereditary leader, Gakyaals Kiigawaay of Skedans, Consultant and Advisor
Hlgagilda Dancers - Performers and Organizers
Mable Williams - Teacher of Haida songs
Warren McIntyre - Queen Charlotte Islands Arts Council, Facilitator of all shows on Haida Gwaii
Vancouver Roundhouse Community Centre Gala Presentation
Robert Davidson - Honourary Gala Co-Chair and Ambassador
Terri-Lynn Williams - Honourary Gala Co-Chair, Ambassador, Emcee
Ming Song - Chair of the Gala Committee
Jocelyn Bearsto - Gala Committee
Marsha Ramsden - Gala Committee
Leanne Song - Gala Committee
Sonia Usmiani - Gala Committee
Gary Wyatt - Gala Committee
Christos Dikeakos - Ambassador and Creation of Gala Feast
Sophie Dikeakos - Ambassador and Creation of Gala Feast
Brian De Beck - Creation of Gala Feast
Wendy Newman - Ambassador
Spirit Wrestler Gallery - Ambassador
Ryan Mullins - Gala Producer
Musqueam Warriors (Musqueam Nation) (May 7, 1997 performance)
Children of Takaya (Burrard Nation) (May 8, 1997 performance)
Spakwus Slolem (Squamish Nation) (May 9, 1997 performance)
Bob Baker - Leader Spakwus Slolem Dance Group
The Ha’gbi’gwatxu Family Dancers (May 10, 1997 performance) - immediate family of Simoi’git Ha’gbi’gwaxtu
Kenneth B. Harris Simoi’git Ha’gbi’gwaxtu - Elder, The Ha’gbi’gwatxu Family Dancers
Margaret Harris (Cree Metis) - Elder, The Ha’gbi’gwatxu Family Dancers
Ian Campbell Xalek, Sekyu Siyam - Hereditary Chief, Squamish Nation
Members of the Musqueam Warrior Dancers (Musqueam Nation) (May 10, 1997 performance)
The Rainbow Creek Dancers (May 10, 1997 performance) - Robert Davidson, Reg Davidson, Terri-Lynn Williams , Marianne Jones, Shaun Edenshaw, Eva Edenshaw, Tanya Edenshaw
The Spakwus Slolem Dancers (May 10, 1997 performance)
The Traditional Mothers Dance Group (May 10, 1997 performance)
Charlene Grant - Musqueam Band
Gabriel George - Takaya Developments
Lorna Morrison - Native Mother’s Dance Group
Stone Soup Tour Sponsors
The Canada Council Touring Office
British Columbia Arts Council
CBC Radio & Television
Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd.
B.C. Hydro
Placer Dome Canada
Eurocan Pulp & Paper Co.
Pacific Northern Gas Ltd.
Royal Bank Charitable Foundation
Imperial Oil Charitable Foundation
Central Mountain Air
Northern Savings Credit Union
Gulf and Fraser Credit Union
1997 Gala sponsored by du Maurier Arts Ltd. (and the above)
Every effort has been made to include everyone involved in this work spanning 29 years. Sincerest apologies for any errors or omissions.
Karen Jamieson Dance Production 2024